Partitioning and formatting drives for Orban DSE 7000 and Audicy 1. Make sure that you have all of the applicable software on hand. 2. Set the jumpers on the drive to terminate enable and SCSI ID 0. Check manufacturer's website for this information. 3. Using the Orban Boot disk (from this ftp site) boot up with the drive connected. 4. At the a:/ prompt type Fdisk 5. Select 4 view partition information. 6. If any partitions are shown, select 3 and delete all logical drives and partitions. Press esc 7. Select 1 press enter to create a DOS partition, then 1 again for Primary DOS partition. At the prompt to make active and select all of the allowable disk size select N for no and enter 2000 when prompted. ****************************DO NOT create 2047 mb partitions***************************** Make all partitions on Orban editors a maximum of 2000 mb, except the extended partition, in the extended partition select yes, when prompted to use the maximum size allowed. 8. Make partition one active. 9. Create extended partition (maximum allowable size to be used). 10. Create logical DOS drives until the drive is consumed (ignore any space less than 2 gb. 11. You will be prompted to reboot. Do so. 12. type format c: /s, then format d: (up to f if applicable). When all drives are fomatted, install software. Questions? 510 351 3500 ask for Dean.