To: Audicy Customers From: Orban Customer Service Date: December 18, 2001 Re: Audicy v3.10 Upgrade Program Please download all files in the V3.10 Documents and Instructions folder and the Disc Images folder. In the V3.10_Install.txt you will find extraction and installation information for the Audicy V3.10 software upgrade and the Audicy Cart Chunk Editor. Thank you for participating in the Audicy V3.10 Upgrade program! The Audicy v3.1 software is a very important release for both Orban and the Audicy user community. It completes Orban's work on the Cart Chunk initiative (see V3.10_Mini_Manual for details). As you may already know from our past upgrade programs, Audicy software has traditionally been virtually trouble free. We expect the same trouble-free performance from version v3.10. And for those Audicy users who had previously upgraded to v3.0, there will be no changes to the appearance of the Audicy screens. Functionality upgrades have occurred with v3.10, however. The Send Cart function will now export Cart Chunk-compliant Wave files for use on a number of digital delivery systems, including Dalet, BE AudioVault, Enco, Scott Studios and Prophet Systems. In addition, we have included a Windows utility to verify and edit Cart Chunk data in WAVE files. This utility is Orban's Audicy Cart Chunk Editor, and can be downloaded from the Orban ftp site, The zip file,, is to be found in V3.10_Release/V31.0 Documents and Instructions/. Use of the Send Cart function requires installation of Audicy Networking. Please contact Dean Tiernan at Orban for details: or 510 351 3500.